Personal data
Surname *
Firstname *
Initials *
Date of birth *
Country *
Zip code *
House number *
Email *
Invoice email
IBAN nr. *
Name account holder
Strength single
Strength double
In case you were a member of the KNLTB before, please let us know so you can keep you existing league number and rating.
Registration options
(please make a choice)
Agreement for automatic collection
Authorisation: The registration fee and yearly membership fee will be collected via automatic collection.
Please complete and sign the ‘SEPA’ authorisation below to authorize the treasurer of Tennisclub Tegenbosch to automatically collect the registration fee (one-off) and, until resignation, the membership fee.
In case you disagree with the automatic collection you can always reverse it within 8 weeks. Ask your bank about the conditions.
Deptor: TV Tegenbosch, Postbus 1855, 5602 CB Eindhoven, collection characteristics: contributie Tegenbosch, accountnumber NL33INGB0005026936
*I authorize TV Tegenbosch to automatically collect the registration fee and yearly contribution fee.
In case the member is younger then 18 years, the parent/gardian/care giver declears to agree with the authorisation above.
Please fill in your name, this will account as your signature
Our club exist thanks to enthousiastic volunteers who want to contribute a bit extra for our club.
Would you care to do the bar service now and then?
Would you like to contribute to one of our committees?
Any idees, suggestions:
Do you want to be contacted for business activities or sponsorship?
Are you self-employed?
In order to be able to carry out future recruitment campaigns in a targeted manner, we would like to know how you found tennis club Tegenbosch.
How did you find us?
Notification of our statutes/domestic regulations and privacy policy
TV Tegenbosch is an association that is supported by its members. That is why we think it is important that contact details of members can be consulted on the website and in the club app.
By default, the privacy settings when registering are set to this. You can adjust this yourself at any time on the website. If you still want to indicate restrictions, you can do that below.
Do not make my data visible to logged in members.
*By ticking the checkbox you declare to take note of the Tegenbosch statutes/domestic regulations and privacy policy (available in Dutch on our website)
Personal Data
Your data will not be shared with third parties for commercial purposes. In case this will happen, you will be requested up front for permission.
If necessary, data relevant to membership related activities will be exchanged with third parties.
*I do agree with the above