Personal data
Surname *
Firstname *
Initials *
Date of birth *
Country *
Zip code *
House number *
Email *
Passport photo
Max. 8 MB. Dimensions min. 300 x 400 px. Different dimensions will be cropped to the middle of the picture.
IBAN nr. *
Name account holder
Referee number
Automatic collection of debits:
*Hereby I authorise the Maestrichtse Studenten Hockey Club to perform continuous collection of automatic collection invoices on my bank account
to deduct the amount as stated in the invoice from the IBAN stated above. These deductions can be contribution of the association costs, events costs and other association costs.
A direct debit can disputed up to 8 weeks after the execution of the direct debit through your own bank.
*Autograph member:
Please fill in your name, this will be recognized as your autograph
I have played since:
Highest played level:
Previous clubs:
Do you have a certificate for a trainer or coach?
Kind of certificate:
Obtained by:
Team selection:
Please select the team you want to be placed in from the list below. If you are not sure which one you can select the try out internal team or try out training.*
The Maestrichtse Studenten Hockey Club is run by volunteers.
Together we try to make hockey a fun sport and organize fun events to get to know each other.
We would like to ask you for your help and input in making MSHC the best student hockey association.
Although you may be short on time, we would like to involve you in the inner workings of MSHC.
We will contact you soon to ask what you can/want to do for MSHC and its members.
We would like to ask to select 2 possible subjects you are interested in, down below.
Thank you in advance and we hope to see you on the fields!
1st choice: *
2nd choice:*
Studentnumber (UM) OR UM Sports number (Zuyd):
Privacy settings
Agree privacy statement
What and how the data of the members are displayed by default is laid down in the regulations of the association.
More privacy? Indicate your desired level below and which details you may not want to have shown.
Privacy niveau
Your personal data is visible when the club / association shows personal data publicly.
Members only
Your personal data is only visible to logged-in members / volunteers.
Group members
Your personal data is only visible to logged-in members / volunteers
of groups you participate in (e.g. teams and classes).
Your personal data is only visible to officials
with access to the administration.
Other privacy settings
Do not show date of birth
Do not show passport photo
Do not show e-mail address
Do not show telephone numbers
Do not show address
Do not use images
Block commercial messages
You will not receive messages whose sender indicating that it contains commercial content
Club magazine/ newsletter
Note: If you uncheck this, you will no longer receive relevant
association information and indicate that you are
responsible for collecting
all information that is directly important
is for you as an association member.

KNHB lidmaatschap

Door jouw aanmelding als lid van de vereniging, machtig je de vereniging om jou als lid aan te melden bij
de Koninklijke Nederlandse Hockey Bond (KNHB).

Uw persoonsgegevens

De gegevens zoals vermeld op dit inschrijfformulier worden opgenomen in het ledenbestand van de vereniging
en worden alleen gebruikt voor doeleinden die verband houden met activiteiten van de vereniging. De vereniging
is uit hoofde van haar lidmaatschap van de KNHB verplicht uw naam, geslacht, geboortedatum, adres,
telefoonnummer en e-mailadres door te geven aan de Koninklijke Nederlandse Hockey Bond (KNHB), omdat
je als nieuw lid automatisch tevens lid van de KNHB wordt. Deze gegevens worden tevens opgenomen in de
ledenadministratie van de KNHB. Voor meer informatie over de wijze waarop de KNHB uw persoonsgegevens
verwerkt, verwijzen wij naar de privacyverklaring van de KNHB.
