Personal data
Name *
First name *
Initials *
Date of birth *
Country *
Zip code *
House number *
Email *
Invoice email
Max. 8 MB. Dimensions min. 300 x 400 px. Different dimensions will be cropped to the middle of the picture.
IBAN nr. *
Name account holder
ranking singles
ranking doubles
Ranking as known by KNLTB. If you are a beginner, your ranking is 9.
Choose your membership
Agree automatic debit
*I herewith authorize Smashing Pink to automatically post payments to my above named checking account
due to the yearly contribution and all other club contribution
you agreed to.
Please fill in your name. This will be regarded as your signature.*
All tasks at Smashing Pink are being done by volunteers. Being a volunteer is a great way to get to know the club and its members.
If you want to do volunteer work you can indicate your interest below. We will then contact you shortly.
Communication (webite, social media, newsletter)
Organisation (toss, club championship, internal competition)
Tennis history
Did you play at other clubs?
Name of club
Did you participate in competition/tournaments?
At what level?
Other questions:
First aid certificate?
Interested in taking lessons?
Personal data
Your personal data will not be used for commercial purposes without your explicit prior authorization.
If necessary relevant information regarding your membership will be given to third party organizations
I agree
Click here for our privacy statement
(Dutch only)
Privacy settings
Agree privacy statement
What and how the data of the members are displayed by default is laid down in the regulations of the association.
More privacy? Indicate your desired level below and which details you may not want to have shown.
Privacy niveau
Your personal data is visible when the club / association shows personal data publicly.
Members only
Your personal data is only visible to logged-in members / volunteers.
Group members
Your personal data is only visible to logged-in members / volunteers
of groups you participate in (e.g. teams and classes).
Your personal data is only visible to officials
with access to the administration.
Other privacy settings
Do not show date of birth
Do not show passport photo
Do not show e-mail address
Do not show telephone numbers
Do not show address
Do not use images
Block commercial messages
You will not receive messages whose sender indicating that it contains commercial content
Club magazine/ newsletter
Note: If you uncheck this, you will no longer receive relevant
association information and indicate that you are
responsible for collecting
all information that is directly important
is for you as an association member.