Personal data
Surname *
Firstname *
Initials *
Date of birth *
Country *
Zip code *
House number *
Mobile number *
Email *
Invoice email
Max. 8 MB. Dimensions min. 300 x 400 px. Different dimensions will be cropped to the middle of the picture.
Rating single
Rating double
HLTC Leimonias is a tennisclub entirely run by volunteers. By joining a committee we try to make tennis even more fun and you will get to know much more people in a short period of time.
We try to make use of all capacities of our members and the parents of our youth players. We understand that we all have full agendas but we very much like to get you involved into the club life.
Soon we will contact you to discuss how you or your parents are willing to contribute to our club.
Here you can indicate your preferences:
1st preference:*(*is a required field)
2nd preference:*
Preferred way of working:*
Played at any other Dutch tennisclub ?
Name of former tennisclub
Played competition ?
At which level ?
Awareness of articles of association
*By checking this checkbox you acknowledge to have accepted the articles of association of HLTC Leimonias and commit yourself to paying the contribution.
To review the articles of association click here
Personal data
Your data will not be shared with third parties for commercial use. In case this will happen we will always ask for approval upfront.
We shall, if necessary, exchange relevant data with third parties for membership issues only. Approval is mandatory before entering into membership.
*I agree
Would you like to receive Leimonias' newsletter?*
Start date
Preferred starting date:
IBAN nr. *
Name account holder
Place of signing
Sign contract
- Upload either your digital signature in jpg format (at "choose file") or
- sign the authorization with your mouse in the block below
